“Sustainability is at the core of our identity as a diversified clean energy technology company utilising advanced resource technologies to power and decarbonise the industrial and aerospace sectors for a cleaner tomorrow.”
We are committed to integrating and promoting sustainability into all facets of our business.
For us, that means, building the foundations of Trust, Respect and Acceptance through:
To ensure our foundational pillars adequately inform our thinking in addressing society’s most important challenges, we have framed the key stakeholder impact and focus areas within each pillar to the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics and recognising the United Nation’s (UN) 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“At entX, we understand that developing the energy technologies of the future in a sustainable way is essential to our operating and financial success.”
“Through active and ongoing engagement with our key stakeholders, we have developed a solid understanding of the expectations our stakeholders have for the way we grow and adapt as an organisation to meet future business challenges.”
Details of the collective material issues we identified are categorised under each sustainability foundation pillar below.
(our people)
(building prosperity)
(accountability and stewardship)